
What is Custody in Crypto?

Custody in the cryptocurrency space refers to the management and storage of digital assets.

Just as traditional finance relies on custodians to safeguard assets, the crypto ecosystem requires secure custody solutions to protect cryptocurrencies from theft, loss, and unauthorized access.

Why Custody is an Important Topic in Crypto

The first reason why custody is important is for security reasons; to protect digital assets from hackers and cyber threats.

There’s also regulation. Most countries impose legal requirements for the custody of crypto funds and organizations have to comply with the legal requirements.

In crypto, you don’t need third-party interference. However, custody options could help to build trust by assuring investors and institutions that their assets are safe.

Custody Options in Crypto

  • Self-Custody (Non-Custodial Solutions)

This custody option allows users to hold their private keys and have full control over their assets. Users generate and store their private keys themselves using a hardware device or a hot wallet.

However, with great power, comes great responsibility.

Being your own custodian means you bear all the risks. If you lose access to your physical device (cold wallet) or forget the private key, your crypto will most likely be gone forever.

There are two main types of wallets used for self-custody: hardware wallets and hot wallets.

  1. Hardware Wallets: These physical devices resemble a USB drive and offer the most secure way to store your crypto assets offline. Popular hardware wallets include Ledger and Trezor. They typically require users to enter a PIN for access and securely store their private keys.
  2. Hot Wallets: These are software applications that allow you to store your private keys on your computer or smartphone. MetaMask is a popular example of a hot wallet. Hot wallets offer more convenience compared to hardware wallets as they can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Third-Party Custody (Custodial Solutions)

This custody method allows a third party to hold the private keys and manage crypto assets on behalf of the user.

Users transfer their assets to the custodian, after completing know-your-customer and anti-money laundering checks, and then the custodian holds and secures the private keys.

Customers have to.

There are three types of third-party crypto custodians they are:

Centralized Exchanges: Centralized exchanges (CEXs) offer user-friendly interfaces for buying, selling, and trading crypto assets. Many traders in the crypto space adopt this approach for convenience.

Digital Asset Managers: These custodians cater to investors seeking professional management of their crypto assets. They develop investment strategies and manage your crypto portfolio. However, the convenience comes at a cost.

Custodial Banks: Custodial banks are an option for those seeking the highest level of security. They offer secure storage for crypto assets with established security protocols. They are also regulated and insured, providing peace of mind for institutional investors.

  • Hybrid Custody Solutions

This custody option is also referred to as Joint custody. It combines the elements of both self-custody and third-party custody.

It’s when multiple parties share control over the private keys of a wallet containing digital assets. For example, a multi-signature wallet that requires several parties to approve a transaction.

Pros And Cons Of Crypto Custody

In choosing the best custody option, you’ll need to weigh factors like security, your desired control level, cost and regulations.

Pros and Cons of crypto custody options

How to Choose the Best Custody Option

Choosing the best custody option depends on several factors:

  1. Security Needs: Evaluate the security measures of the custody solution. For high-value assets, professional custody services with robust security protocols may be preferable.
  2. Control Preferences: Decide how much control you want over your assets. Self-custody offers full control, whereas third-party custody offers convenience and security.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the custody solution complies with relevant regulations, especially for institutional investors.
  4. Cost: Consider the costs associated with each custody option. Professional custody services may charge fees, while self-custody requires investment in secure storage solutions.
  5. Convenience: Assess the ease of use. Self-custody requires more technical knowledge, while third-party custody offers a more user-friendly experience.


Custody in crypto is a vital aspect of managing digital assets, ensuring security, compliance, and trust. At Second Moutain, our clients can access fully self-custodial investments. Invest now.

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